Friday, August 18, 2006

back on the horse

I sent my "killer Survivor" story to The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. Might as well shoot for the top. The website says their turn-around time is eight weeks, so hopefully I'll hear something by Halloween.

I've been getting lots of writing done in spite of a cold I think I picked up in Indy. Stupid geek germs. I've also gotten lots of encouragement of friends and writer-type folks in the last few days. Thanks, guys. You don't know how much your kind words mean to me.

Busy weekend: dinner out with friends tonight, a going-away party of sorts for Bridget and Jimmy tomorrow afternoon, dinner with Ken's new boss tomorrow night, and brunch with friends on Sunday morning. The best part of all of this? I don't have to clean my house. Love that. I do, however, need to do some laundry today so we have clothes for all of our social functions.

Of all life's chores, I think I hate laundry the most. As bad as lugging carloads of clothes to the laundrymat sucked, there's something to be said for spending only two hours a week washing, drying, and folding. Sort of a "wham-bam-thank you ma'am" for clothes. If you add one washer and one dryer together and multiply by my tendancy for procrastination, you get a load of dirty laundry in the living room, a clean one in the dryer, and unfolded towels on the kitchen table. Grrrr. I feel my blood pressure rising already.

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