Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Okay. If I want to have 250 pages written by June 1st, I have to average 4.25 pages a day. At first glance this doesn't look so bad. Mind you, this math is only for the first-draft, and my goal is to have a polished manuscript ready to query agents with by June 1st. And don't forget that to query I'll need a synopsis and a great hook for the cover letter. Que minor panic attack.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I got hosed in Ladies Poker the other night. The rookies will get you every time. Next match is May 4th, so I have time to read up on my strategies.


Anonymous said...

So, more like seven pages a day, which leaves time for a full read-through by critiquers, revisions, and the writing of your sales materials.

You can DO it!

Kelly Swails said...

Maybe. I'm starting the "What he hell was I thinking?" train of thought.

You can be a reader, if ya want.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I want...

June? Good timing for me.

Anonymous said...

You can even bring it to me at Wiscon...


Kelly Swails said...

Wish I could, dude. I have to work that weekend. No rest for us health-care professionals on holidays, you know.

You guys are going to have fun there, though. I'm more than a little jealous. What other cons are you going to make it to this year?