Thursday, January 24, 2008


Here's the list of cons I know I'll be attending:

WisCon (Memorial day weekend)
World Con (August 6-10)
Gen Con (August 14-17)

This will require I take two weeks off work in August. Oh, darn. Technically I can't ask for the time off until February but--fingers crossed--it shouldn't be a problem. I'm not above bribery attempts to make it happen.

I'd also like to attend World Fantasy Con in November, but we'll see. The above cons might tap out the whole vacation fund.

I've also got good news to share regarding Gen Con. I've been asked to sit on a few writing panels! I'm excited and nervous. Excited because it's a milestone of sorts; nervous because strangers will look at me like I'm a real writer. For now I'm going to try not to think about it lest I get too freaked out. I'll also be giving a reading, so I need to think about what I want to read.


Kelly McCullough said...

Panels are easy if you're not moderating, and fun either way. Spend ten minutes thinking about the topic some time in the six months beforehand. Then just get up there and babble. If you can make the audience laugh once and think once you're set. More than that and your golden. It's actually easier and less stressful than a reading. You'll be fine.

Kelly Swails said...

Thanks, Y. I needed that pep-talk. :)